Cooking With Color
Think Color! Your shopping cart and your kitchen should be brimming with fresh, colorful ingredients. Your selection of foods should be as inviting to look at in the market as your finished meals will be at the table. Not only is this attractive, but it is healthy. A colorful palette of foods brings with it a healthy balance of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and also affects your appetite in different ways. The colors not only represent different vitamins, minerals and nutrients but you react to them in different ways as well. For instance, red fruits and veggies bring with them abundant amounts of carotene; deep green vegetables contain large quantities of Vitamin C. Deeper colored veggies are richest in nutrition since they contain larger quantities of their nutrients. Different colors can stimulate or suppress your appetite; red and orange stimulate, blue suppresses and yellow improves memory. The recipes you will find here are created for their colors, their health benefits, and their eye appeal. They are also Stress Free; easy to prepare, take very little time, and are delicious.
The table is a very important place in your home, perhaps the most important. When you dine with your loved ones, you learn all about them. You hear stories about your children’s day at school, your spouse’s day at work, and your friend’s cares and concerns. The preparation of food for loved ones should be an enjoyable time during which you relax and feel the satisfaction of preparing a meal for them. When families and friends prepare food together, an even deeper bond is created.
You learn even more about one another, you have intimate conversations with one another, you teach one another new skills, and show you care. The world is a busy place and we all too often don’t take the time that we should to sit down to a family meal or entertain at home. I will teach you what you need to know and encourage you to begin cooking or get you interested in cooking again.
There is a joy in sharing food and cooking for others. That is what Stress Free Cooking with Color is all about! My hope is that you will enjoy the recipes you will find here.